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Rights of the People
Citizens of a Founded Republican Government, Working Towards Retaining Our Great Nation. Rights of the People

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Government for Kids
   U.S. Government for Kids, learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources teach how our government works. Teach your Children Well, Youth are Our Leaders of Tomorrow!
Banning Guns?
   What the current Gun Grabbers are up to. Is it Gun Control; or just Control they want?
Veteran's Affairs
   God Bless the Veterans that have fought and given so dearly for this Nation.
Women's Issues
   Women taking part in the politics of this Nation.
Citizens Book Store
   American Citizens Book Store, Biographies, History, Inspirational, Activism, Memorabilia, Childrens K-12 for the American Citizens' Education.
Citizens Movie Theater
   All American Citizens Movie Theater, Inspirational Movies for the American Citizen.
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Document Study Guides
   Study our ForeFather's Freedom Documents in depth. Know and understand your rights in detail. More
Declaration of Independence
   The thirteen States set forth a decree to set them free from the taxation and burdens of British Government. More
Articles of Confederation
   Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states. Agreed to by Congress 15 November 1777 In force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781. More
Anti & Federalist Papers
   Both the Federalist (85 documents) & Anti-Federalist (85 documents) Papers. A study in the debate of the People in the days of the drafting of our Constitution. No serious student of the Constitution can be without both sides of the story. The 170 documents of the Federalist & AntiFederalist Papers are a must read. More
Constitution of the United States
   Quite possibly one of the greatest documents ever written to govern a Nation. More
Constitution In Depth Study
   The Constitution of the United States, an In Depth Study of Its Sources and Its Application. More
Bill of Rights
   The 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights tells the government what they must never do! More
Pledge of Allegiance
   Our Flag of the United States, It's History and Meaning. More
Our American Heritage
   Highlights of Our American Heritage. Got 30 minutes? Find out who you really are as an American Citizen! More
History Resources
   Study Resources for the events of Early American & World History. More
Featured Articles
   These Materials are a Must Read! This section is like a Patriot Citizens' Handbook. Some articles are submitted by visitors to our site. Read what American Citizens really think today. More

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Firearms Handling Safety
   These Documents set forth what every Responsible Citizen must teach their Children!. More

Rights Of The People, Amazon Books


American Citizens History

 - Amazon Books Store

   History repeats itself, but only if we don't learn from history. American Citizens are to be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Country's Founding Fathers. Through Education we must arm ourselves with Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality. The books offered in this section are selected to enhance ones' education to broader levels of understanding. Through individual Inspiration, Motivation and Activism we must protect, preserve and keep the gift of this Founded Republic they vowed their very lives to provide us.
Books Categories: Biographies | History | Inspirational | Activism | Memorabilia | Childrens K-12

Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the American Constitution
A day-by-day account of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia can't yield up much drama or fireworks, or even much sparkling talk, at least as recorded by a few participants, especially James Madison. But in this masterful account, Beeman (Patrick Henry), a noted historian of the late 18th century, does his best to dramatize the writing of the American Constitution....

A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present
Consistently lauded for its lively, readable prose, this revised and updated edition of A People's History of the United States turns traditional textbook history on its head. Howard Zinn infuses the often-submerged voices of blacks, women, American Indians, war resisters, and poor laborers of all nationalities into this thorough narrative that spans American history from Christopher Columbus's arrival to an afterword on the Clinton presidency...

The American Patriot's Almanac: Daily Readings on America
The fife and drum of history mark the time of each passing day. And within their cadence, personalities, conflicts, discoveries, ideas, and nations peal and fade. American history is no different. From the starving time of Jamestown during the Winter of 1609, through the bloody argument of the Civil War, and to today, the United States is a tale best told one day at a time...

The Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, the Battle for the Supreme Court
The supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison is the most important key to understanding the separation of power in American government. The Great Decision makes the tale come alive. It’s filled with intrigue, colorful personalities, and political maneuvers that seem astonishingly relevant to our world today. Anyone interested in constitutional law must read this fine book...

The 10 Big Lies About America: Combating Destructive Distortions About Our Nation
In this bold and brilliantly argued book, acclaimed author and talk-radio host Michael Medved zeroes in on ten of the biggest fallacies that millions of Americans believe about our country—in spite of incontrovertible facts to the contrary. In The 10 Big Lies About America, Medved pinpoints the most pernicious pieces of America-bashing disinformation that pollute current debates about the economy, race, religion in politics, the Iraq war, and other contentious issues...

Now or Never: Getting Down to the Business of Saving Our American Dream
In Now or Never, the curmudgeonly Cafferty applies his heat-seeking scrutiny to the hot-button issues that top the 2009 agenda, including the economy, China, Iraq, the war on terror, and our broken immigration, education, and healthcare systems. Will Obama turn things around or will it be business as usual? Will a hitherto spineless Democratic Congress hold individuals accountable for abuses of power? Cafferty gives voice to the fears and hopes of Americans from all around the country; he also gets personal with moving stories of his experiences raising kids with values that seem to be disappearing in our culture...

Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FDR's path may have been unorthodox (evidenced by an unprecedented 12 years spent as commander-in-chief) and arguably illegal (the New Deal didn't always work well with the Constitution), but his shared goal of a stronger America at home and abroad endeared him to voters of varying backgrounds. "We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country's interest and concern," proclaimed Roosevelt in 1937...

The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals
Essential reading for those who think they can stand the truth. The Dark Side, Jane Mayer’s riveting and shocking new book, and not the least of the themes to emerge from it is that we’ve witnessed something new in American history: the imperial vice presidency. Whatever it takes to get those bastards. The true nature of our Faustian bargain would not become clear until later, and maybe it needed a journalist as steely and tenacious as Jane Mayer to give us the full picture. "The Dark Side" is about how the war on terror became "a war on American ideals," and Mayer gives this story all the weight and sorrow it deserves. Many books get tagged with the word "essential"; hers actually is....

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
This quick and enjoyable read is packed with unfamiliar quotes, informative sidebars, iconoclastic viewpoints, and a list of books "you're not supposed to read." It is not a comprehensive or detailed study, but that is not its aim; instead, it offers ideas for further research and a challenge to readers to dig deeper and analyze some basic assumptions about American history--a worthy goal that Woods manages to reach...

48 Liberal Lies About American History: That You Probably Learned in School
Over the last forty years, history textbooks have become more and more politically correct and distorted about our country’s past, argues professor Larry Schweikart. The result, he says, is that students graduate from high school and even college with twisted beliefs about economics, foreign policy, war, religion, race relations, and many other subjects. As he did in his popular A Patriot’s History of the United States, Professor Schweikart corrects liberal bias by rediscovering facts that were once widely known. He challenges distorted books by name and debunks forty-eight common myths...

The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to the Constitution
In The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution, readers will follow the Supreme Court as it uses the Constitution as a fig leaf to cover its blatant seizing of the people's right to govern themselves through elections. Gutzman unveils the radical inconsistency between constitutional law and the rule of law, and shows why and how the Supreme Court should be reined in to the proper role assigned to it by the Founders...

The battle of Athens
In 1946, the local, Athens, Tennessee, sheriff decided he wanted to win the election by stealing and stuffing the ballot boxes. But the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines -- freshly returned from World War II who had faced much tougher foes than the sheriff -- had other ideas. The veterans rose above republican or democrat or black or white to ensure everyone was a US citizen and had the right to vote. The veterans used their legally possessed battle rifles to wage a small but pitched battle to determine if the election would be controlled by the sheriff -- or free...
Books Categories: Biographies | History | Inspirational | Activism | Memorabilia | Childrens K-12


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Rights Of The People
"We will be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Country's Founding Fathers through Education, Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God."  "Of the People, By the People, For the People"
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