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Rights of the People
Citizens of a Founded Republican Government, Working Towards Retaining Our Great Nation. Rights of the People

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Bill Nees in 2012!


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Government for Kids
   U.S. Government for Kids, learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources teach how our government works. Teach your Children Well, Youth are Our Leaders of Tomorrow!
Banning Guns?
   What the current Gun Grabbers are up to. Is it Gun Control; or just Control they want?
Veteran's Affairs
   God Bless the Veterans that have fought and given so dearly for this Nation.
Women's Issues
   Women taking part in the politics of this Nation.
Citizens Book Store
   American Citizens Book Store, Biographies, History, Inspirational, Activism, Memorabilia, Childrens K-12 for the American Citizens' Education.
Citizens Movie Theater
   All American Citizens Movie Theater, Inspirational Movies for the American Citizen.
Its not about the Money, It's about Your Vote, Debreifing and Re-Educating Good American Citizens

Site Features

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Citizen's Workshop

Document Study Guides
   Study our ForeFather's Freedom Documents in depth. Know and understand your rights in detail. More
Declaration of Independence
   The thirteen States set forth a decree to set them free from the taxation and burdens of British Government. More
Articles of Confederation
   Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states. Agreed to by Congress 15 November 1777 In force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781. More
Anti & Federalist Papers
   Both the Federalist (85 documents) & Anti-Federalist (85 documents) Papers. A study in the debate of the People in the days of the drafting of our Constitution. No serious student of the Constitution can be without both sides of the story. The 170 documents of the Federalist & AntiFederalist Papers are a must read. More
Constitution of the United States
   Quite possibly one of the greatest documents ever written to govern a Nation. More
Constitution In Depth Study
   The Constitution of the United States, an In Depth Study of Its Sources and Its Application. More
Bill of Rights
   The 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights tells the government what they must never do! More
Pledge of Allegiance
   Our Flag of the United States, It's History and Meaning. More
Our American Heritage
   Highlights of Our American Heritage. Got 30 minutes? Find out who you really are as an American Citizen! More
History Resources
   Study Resources for the events of Early American & World History. More
Featured Articles
   These Materials are a Must Read! This section is like a Patriot Citizens' Handbook. Some articles are submitted by visitors to our site. Read what American Citizens really think today. More

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   If you have an issue not being covered by the Media or just an interesting incident to tell about try submitting it here. Submit your Article or Story here. They will then be reviewed by our administrators for posting on this website.
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How You Can Help . . .

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   Even with a busy schedule you can pass the word and help educate many more Americans. Please do your part.  Here's How
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Firearms Handling Safety
   These Documents set forth what every Responsible Citizen must teach their Children!. More

Rights Of The People, Amazon Books

Page Update :
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
 Our Mission Statement & Citizenship Creed  
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
"We will be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Country's Founding Fathers through Education, Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God."
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
 Founders of Website  
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
  • David Ion - Founder  [email protected]
          â€¢ Webmaster & Server Programming
                 Your all around figure it out and make it work guy.
  • Dollie Simpkins - Co Founder  (Dolly has passed on to a better place.)
          â€¢ History & Research
                 This woman can find things you better believe!
  • Greg Beal - Co Founder  [email protected]
          â€¢ Public Relations & Design Concepts
                 Keeping abreast of current news and design concepts.
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
 What we are all about . . .  
Rights of the People, A Citizenship Organization
We are a Citizenship organization based on our great American Heritage and dedicated to educating American Citizens of their historic Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This Nation has done quite well for 233 years by following the concepts of our Founding Fathers Freedom Documents. Are we to continue "Our Heritage as Soveriegn Citizens of these united States" ?
Become an Active Citizen Today -
Together, we can succeed in retaining all the Inalienable Rights of the People.
"I am ONE, I am only ONE, I will do what ONE can do."
There are many interesting and informative features within the website.
We will be improving, updating and adding sections on a continual basis.
If you wish to help keep this site updated please make application to the
webmaster in the appropriate sections using the forms provided.
Thank You,
Of the People, By the People, For the People!   Do enjoy your visit to "Our Website"


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Rights Of The People
"We will be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Country's Founding Fathers through Education, Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God."

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