
Make a Difference; We don't need Change. Bill Nees in 2012!

U.S. Government for Kids, learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources teach how our government works. Teach your Children Well, Youth are Our Leaders of Tomorrow!
What the current Gun Grabbers are up to. Is it Gun Control; or just Control they want?
God Bless the Veterans that have fought and given so dearly for this Nation.
Women taking part in the politics of this Nation.
American Citizens Book Store, Biographies, History, Inspirational, Activism, Memorabilia, Childrens K-12 for the American Citizens' Education.
All American Citizens Movie Theater, Inspirational Movies for the American Citizen.
Front Page Edition
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Citizens' Handbook
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Study our ForeFather's Freedom Documents in depth. Know and understand your rights in detail.
The thirteen States set forth a decree to set them free from the taxation and burdens of British Government.
Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states. Agreed to by Congress 15 November 1777 In force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781.
Both the Federalist (85 documents) & Anti-Federalist (85 documents) Papers. A study in the debate of the People in the days of the drafting of our Constitution. No serious student of the Constitution can be without both sides of the story. The 170 documents of the Federalist & AntiFederalist Papers are a must read.
Quite possibly one of the greatest documents ever written to govern a Nation.
The Constitution of the United States, an In Depth Study of Its Sources and Its Application.
The 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights tells the government what they must never do!
Our Flag of the United States, It's History and Meaning.
Highlights of Our American Heritage. Got 30 minutes? Find out who you really are as an American Citizen!
Study Resources for the events of Early American & World History.
These Materials are a Must Read! This section is like a Patriot Citizens' Handbook. Some articles are submitted by visitors to our site. Read what American Citizens really think today.
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"We will be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Country's Founding Fathers through Education, Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God."