New Hampshire Funding Crisis

Posted by: Wendy Hebert
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dated: April 2, 2001 at 18:59:40 PST
New Hampshire Funding Crisis
Do we really have a Education Funding Crisis? Or does Jeanne Shaheen want to take more money out of the pockets of tax payers and business owners. So it can be distribuation everywhere but the Education funding.
Jeanne Shaheen wants a sales tax for New Hampshire, this will destroy this state. Business's will not survive this sales tax no matter how small you put it. Because the funds that we get from the other states will not come here to shop to get a better deal. Therefore they will not come and tour our wonderful state. New Hampshire brings in millions of funds just from the tourism alone. Once you begin the sales tax people will not come. They will stay where the convience is. When they hear New Hampshire has a "SALES TAX" they will think what is the difference, might as well shop here in our state. They are not going to cross the line to save and extra buck, they will end up spending more in gas and then over all end up spending the same if they had just stayed and shopped where they are living.
This sales tax will not stop with just 2.5% after it is inacted, it will continue to grow every year. Just have a look at other states that have inacted. They always grow.
As a new business owner ourselves this will be a slow down for us. I am not against funding Education but there must be others ways.
1.) less funding to the state prisons. They are there to be punished not lavished in customs such as Cable TV, expensive surgeries, funding for college.
2.) less funding the state welfare programs,more finding them jobs and getting them off the system instead of depending on the system.
3.) increase the tolls,lottery contribution,increase tax on alcohol, instead of cigarettes,considering alcohol kills more than cigarettes do.
4.) How about trying the school voucher program.
5.) Here is a good one for you all the own their own homes and have to pay the school tax. : If you were to send you child to private school you will pay about $2500-$3000 per child. Why is that if you send your child to private school, you still have to pay for a child that goes to public school. Therefore you are paying twice, once for your child and once for some other child. If the private schools only cost that, then why does the public school charging almost twice as much. And in the end the private schools still have a better achievement level. Also children seem to learn at a higher standard as well.