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Featured Articles (Must Read)

Owners Manual
By: William B. Nees Nick (Get_Involved): How many of us has had a machine that breaks down so many times that we get tired of repairing it, so we lay it aside and go down to the store and buy another one like it. We bring it home and take it out of the crate; now the future's been added to it, we'll call that the Bells and Whistles . . .
I Want A Divorce !
By: John J. Wall, Law Student, American Citizen: Dear American Liberals, Leftists, Social Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, et. al: . . .
Immigrants and being an AMERICAN
We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American People."
Republics and Democracies
By Robert Welch who founded The John Birch Society and led it until just prior to his death. This essay was first delivered as a speech at a Constitution Day luncheon in Chicago, on September 17, 1961. The principles he espoused in that speech are timeless. The American Republic will endure only so long as those principles are sufficiently understood by each succeeding generation of Americans.
Letter from Citizen to Local Sheriff
“One Well Informed Citizen”
Clear and Present Danger
What extremely few realize is that the Constitution has been (and is being) changed continuously by treaties into which this country has entered. These treaties are now a clear and present danger to the continued freedom of us all.
Sleepless in Iraq
“Soldiers Supporting American Freedom”
United States doing the United Nation's Work
“And they say that We the People owe the "United Nations" Billions in United States Dollars?
I rather think that the United Nations, along with many Nations around the world may very well "OWE" the USA.”
Battle of Athens
“that Citizens in Tenneessee stood for the Rule of Law.”
The Second Amendment America’s First Freedom
By Charlton Heston
“Why the Bill of Rights guarantees that we can have arms, and why my right to have a gun is more important than the liberal media’s right to rail against our rights in the press.”
2nd Amendment Speech
“In Defense of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States”
Original Intent of the 2nd Amendment
“Why the legal profession can't be trusted with history”
Gun Control or Extermination ?
Do you think that because you may not own a gun, the rights guaranteed by
the Second Amendment don't matter?
“The Perfect Crime, Ladies and Gentlemen, isn’t getting away with something after you’re caught red-handed. The perfect crime is the one nobody knows was committed . . .”
“Values clarification is a method for teachers to change the values of children
without getting caught.”
Political Disobedience
By: Charleston Heston - President of the NRA
Rights, Authority and Power
An Essay on Rights, Authority and Power
Liberal Racism
Modern - Day Slavery in America
Fully Informed Jury
by: Fully Informed Jury Association
The Positive Side of Guns
By Robert A. Waters
How Tyranny Came to America
by Joseph Sobran

Featured Writers (submitted writings)

Gun Permit 101
Basic Rights vs privilege . . . What about that Gun Permit ??
Are We Protecting Our Children Or Teachers?
If you think the law enforcement people will care you are sadly mistaken,
after all it is what gives them a job, to punish and enforce.
Education Funding Crisis
Do we really have an Education Funding Crisis?

Our Citizenship Creed

“We dedicate ourselves to the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals as fashioned by our Country’s Founding Fathers through education, debate and reasoning guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God.”
