What about that Gun Permit ??
Posted by: rew4
Dated: March 8, 2001 at 23:58:04 PST
Gun permits: A gun Permit is permission from the issuer ( usually the state ) to allow someone to do something.
My question is do I (or you) need permission to have or posses a firearm.
They call it a Right To Carry Law (or something like that) in most States. What a ( RIGHT ) To carry. I thought Rights were protected by the Constitution and given by God, not given by permit, or the state.
What another snow job Americans will fall for. Give your (( R I G H T )) away for a permit.
That’s right put your John Henry on that permit, and you give away a Right. Maybe more!
In Arkansas the State Constitution confirms the citizens the right to keep and BARE Arms.
DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, ARTICLE 2, Sec. 5. Right to bear arms.
The citizens of this State shall have the right to keep and bear arms for their common defence.
To Keep and Bear Arms for Who’s defence? Their, ( citizens) the people, personally. Didn’t say concealed or not concealed, just to keep and bear, for their common defence.
My common defence is wherever my family or myself may be. Personally I prefer My Rights over any privilege or permit given by a state.
We should not be giving away any Rights knowing and willingly for a permit or license that can be revoked without due process.
We Americans must claim all our rights or lose them!!!!!