Site Navigation Map for
Rights Of The People
If you have trouble finding something on our site or a new section you will likely find it here. We will strive to keep this page updated at all times.
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Gun Control vs the 2nd Amendment
Veterans Affairs
Womens Issues
- Become Active
Women taking part in the politics of this Nation.
- Womens Discussion Forum
For the Ladies of Our Nation. Come on Ladies, Get Involved. Our Children are the Leaders of Tomorrow!
Citizenship Education
- Document Study Guides
Study our ForeFather's Freedom Documents in depth. Know and understand your Rights in detail. Document Study Overviews and their originals. Printer Friendly versions are included for off-line sharing.
- Declaration of Independence
The thirteen States set forth a decree to set them free from the taxation and burdens of British Government.
- Constitution of the United States
Quite possibly one of the greatest documents ever written to govern a People and their Nation.
- Constitution of the United States - Its Sources and Its Application
In-Depth Study of the Constitution is presented one phrase at a time, immediately followed by the history and reasons for the inclusion of that particular phrase in the Constitution, with reference links to other pertinent data contained elsewhere in the section.
- Bill of Rights
The 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights tells the government what they must never do!
- Pledge of Allegiance
Our Flag of the United States, It's History and Meaning.
- American Heritage Documents
A Handbook for Jurors, Give Me Liberty, Original Documents, Additional Documents, 2nd Amendment Support, Print Friendly Documents.
- Quiz Menu, Test Your Knowledge
Quiz Menu - Test Your Knowledge, American History, Government, Common Law.
Featured Articles
- Articles submitted by our Viewers
Articles submitted by visitors to our site. Read what American Citizens really think today.
- Columnists Needed
If you have an issue not being covered by the Media or just an interesting incident to tell about try submitting it here. This is an assign your own password interface that allows you to return at will and edit your articles. They will then be reviewed by our administrators for posting on this website.
- Discussion Forums Threaded Bulletin Boards
Have Your Say ! Post messages, information and articles to the many topics on our conference boards. You may post URL links and images on this board. There is a help guide and extensive search engine included.
- Guestbook
View and Sign our Guestbook. State your name / handle, e-mail, basic location and whatever you have to say. We'd love to hear from you. System will also allow you to just send us a comment without posting to the Guestbook.
- Contact Us
Use our convenient form to correspond with us. We will respond in a timely manner. Communication is one of the Keys to Success.
Site Navigational Tools
- SiteSearch
Searches this site domain server only. Just type in words or phrases and it will find appropriate pages or topics on our site for you.
You Can Help
- Don't Have Much Time ?
You can do a lot to help our cause with just a small amount effort! Even with a busy schedule you can pass the word and help educate many more Americans. Please do your part.
- Join Our Mailing List
This E-NewsLetter will be sent out once or twice a month. It is our hope to keep Citizens informed of the newest things happening in Our Nation.
- E-mail A Friend About Us
E-Mail is a powerful and effective communication tool used by many on the Internet. Some People feel that the only time they have is to check their mail; so please remember to use e-mail.
New Site Sections
To reduce the load and confusion on the front page of our site
this will be the page where most new additions will be listed.

Our Mission Statement & Citizenship Creed

We will be Ever Vigilant in the defense of our Republic, Constitution and Ideals set forth by our Countrys Founding Fathers through Education, Knowledge and Wisdom guided by Liberty, Honesty and Equality so help us God.

Founders of RightsOfThePeople.com Website

- David Ion - Founder
[email protected]
Webmaster & Server Programming
Your all around figure it out and make it work guy.
- Dollie Simpkins - Co Founder
[email protected]
History & Research
This woman can find things you better believe!.
- Greg Beal - Co Founder
[email protected]
Public Relations & Design Concepts
Keeping abreast of current news and design concepts.

What we are all about . . .

We are a Citizenship organization based on our great American Heritage and dedicated to educating American Citizens of their historic Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This Nation has done quite well for 228 years by following the concepts of our Founding Fathers Freedom Documents. Are we to continue Our Heritage as Soveriegn Citizens of these united States ?
Become an Active Citizen Today -
Together, we can succeed in retaining all the Inalienable Rights of the People.
I am ONE, I am only ONE, I will do what ONE can do.
There are many interesting and informative features within the website.
We will be improving, updating and adding sections on a continual basis.
If you wish to help keep this site updated please make application to the
webmaster in the appropriate sections using the forms provided.
Thank You,
Of the People, By the People, For the People!
Do enjoy your visit to Our Website
